I am quietly imagining that I'm driving to work, and on the way I'm thinking over what I have to accomplish that day. Will the same problems I encountered last week raise their ugly head once more and ruin my day?
Could I handle those situations better today than I did last week? Will I try to be a better person today. Be more attentive to others in the work place. More relaxed, open and friendly?
Woody... You're dribbling!
Sorry. Look. What I'm trying to say is. Can you remember a time when you actually enjoyed the prospect of going to work? Can you remember days when everything kind of slotted effortlessly into place? You were totally in control and at peace with your self and others around you. What kind of thinking did you do in order to achieve this outcome?
OK. Instead of driving to work you're on your way to the golf course. On the way imagine yourself swinging the club with such beauty and effortless grace. Mentally go over the good shots you played the last time you were out and imagine handling those previous troublesome shots well and also remind yourself you can easily recover if you should ever get into trouble.
You arrive at the club and pull out your clubs. Now I want you to dump all of your golfing expectations and ego into the space that occupied your clubs and close the lid. Remind yourself that today you will focus on your ball going to the target more than trying to hit the perfect shot or make the perfect swing! Smile as you enter the clubhouse. Today you will be the most cheerful, optimistic and the most emotionally stable person out there on the course today. Remember today is about 'playing' golf rather than 'working' at golf.
You can experience success... before you tee off!
Take the time to stretch and warm up your muscles before you go to the practice ground. After you have sufficiently warmed up your body, I would like to suggest that you hit some balls in a target orientated way. Taking the time to hit balls in an organised warm-up procedure helps to calm down the first tee wobblers and any anxious feelings or doubts you may have.
I would also encourage you to go through your specific pre-shot routine just like you will do if it were on the golf course. Actually take the time to mentally and physically hit some shots on the practice ground just as if you are on the course. This is a wonderful way to picture what you will be experiencing in just a few minutes when you have to do it for real. Once you've established your swing thought for the day take it with you and don't make any changes throughout the entire round.
Being able to be your self and 'play' golf is about making your day on the course a day of adventure. Do not focus on the score, comparing your self to others, or working hard to make the perfect golf swing. Rather, enjoy being yourself and becoming one with your target! You will find that by allowing yourself simply to "play golf" will lead to not only a really fun and enjoyable day but also lower scores as well!
Finally, go to the practice green and make a few short putts. Try not to be too preoccupied on the line of your putt. Your subconscious mind will have already seen to that. Simply walk up and stroke the putt in to the hole and later as you step up on to tee your confidence will be sky high with the knowledge that you are already a winner!
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